This might be something to explore.
There is a strong learning curve in any subject, but being part of a community like newgrounds has helped me stay in the game of animation. It is not easy, there are some real talented people out there, but I had to work pretty hard to get where I am now. Even working hard now to try to make up for not being as good as I want to be. It can be intimidating to chase your dreams, and can even fell stupid or risky. My brother javacke was a great animator, still works on skits, but hates animating now. It is a lot of work, and can feel like it was for nothing. I think his cartoons are great, some say are funnier than mine. Megarobby (Mike) is part of his sketch comedy group. Check out his yt Flamingofo.
I almost gave up animating myself many times. At the moment I am working for swearnet so I am happy to keep animating. I hate seeing despair, stress, or other issues stop people from what they want to do. I've been there. We need to be more like piconjo, j00 know? People supporting eath others dreams. I need to come back to this when Im not as busy with Trailer Park Cats. Some animators here are so underrated. I have a brand name I was working on called Journey Skipping Mountain but I dont know if it is the right name for some co op independent studio.